Who said this? “Only condos at the MRT station are good investments.”

Should I only buy a condo near the MRT? Really?

This is a very common assumption made by buyers, and we can understand why. Condos in close walking distance to the MRT will always have good demand for multiple reasons.

However, going as far as to say that only condos a the MRT station are good investments and that any non-MRT condos will be hard to sell in future?

This is a sweeping statement.

People often make such comments based on their own perception and personal preferences rather than what is really going on in the market.

You May Be Missing Out For The Wrong Reasons.

So as an investor (or homebuyer looking for long-term capital appreciation), does it make sense to close off many good non-MRT condo options in the market just because you hear this sweeping statement often?

As always, HausLife would like to encourage you not to allow yourself to believe in unjustified or general sentiments not backed by any data.

Let’s look at some data to find out if non-MRT condos are transacting well in the market.

It is impossible to list all the projects that are not located near the MRT, but here are some recent stats from condos you may have heard of.

We would like to bring your attention to:

  • Transaction volume and frequency
  • Profitability

These 2 metrics will already give us good indication of demand in the market for these non-MRT condos.

Key Takeaways

“Only condos at the MRT station are good investments.”

Location is important, but it is not everything.

Everyone buys properties for different reasons; everyone has a different budget; everyone has a different way to measure what is “good” in their eyes.

In non-MRT condos, what attracts the buyers can be good layouts, good views, good facilities, or even good price (for not paying the premium to be next to the MRT).

At HausLife, we will focus on data and guide you in finding the right unit that meets your needs with a safe exit strategy.

Speak to us if you’d like a non-obligatory free consult!