
Pitfall 1: Expecting sky high returns in a short time We have met people who said things along the line of— “Making $100,000+ in 3 years is not worth so

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Property News

A Really Long “Lock-In” Period Anyone applying for a Plus or Prime flat would be subject to a 10-year Minimum Occupation Period (MOP), which essentially means you are tied to

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Context We are answering these questions with investment as the paramount objective, i.e. specific personal needs in terms of space and location will not be considered here. Short answers here

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According to the URA Real Estate Statistics Q2’2023, prices of private residential properties declined by 0.2% in 2nd Quarter 2023 following a 3.3% gain in the previous quarter. The overall

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Really? First and foremost, the point of this post is not to answer the debate on “Should I buy a freehold or leasehold condo?” No winner will emerge at the

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Should I only buy a condo near the MRT? Really? This is a very common assumption made by buyers, and we can understand why. Condos in close walking distance to the

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Should you blindly trust advice from non-professionals? If your budget only allows for a 1-bedroom property, you may hear skeptical remarks from people discouraging you from buying a 1-bedder because

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Highest Interest Rates Since 2007 In May, the Federal Reserve approved the 10th interest rate hike in the last 14 months to a new target range of 5% to 5.25%

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ONE Misconception: I am not in a hurry. It is better if I list my property at a much higher asking price than what I can sell at, so I

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